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Current Project: Dynamic Table

What is Dynamic Table?

A Dynamic Table is defined by user. User can create a Dynamic Table and add each column with specific attributes, type, and default value. The current table of INFO v2.30 has pre-defined table columns with fixed column names, var0, var1 or integer0. In Dynamic Table, you can add different numbers of your custom columns with different column names.

What is the benefit of Dynamic Table?

You can remove unnecessary table column. Current INFO has prefixed number of columns even though you are not using them. Dynamic Table will increase the efficiency of data storage management. Also, user will find the better experience with enhanced user interface of multiple types of data inputs.

Does next INFO release include Dynamic Table feature?

Yes, we are going to add this feature in the next release of INFO v3.0.0 and it will enhance INFO's feasibility and user interface with different field inputs like calendar, time, other table reference, and etc.

How can I ask question about Dynamic Table project?

Please submit your question with the following link. We will search the answer to your question and contact you in timely manner.

Dynamic Table Question

Current Status: Dynamic Table

INFO development team has finished the initial draft design and making database schemas according to the design. Please refer to the following design document.

INFO v3.0.0 Dynamic Table Design